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♛La Masterz

♔ Life ♔ Rara+Monsterz ♔ Food

♔ LetMeEatChu!
I've been there for you since day one. Through hell and back, I'm never once left you by yourself. And you took advantage of that, of everything I offered which was all that I had. The one day that you realise what you had, will be the day that it won't matter, for it will be too late. You'll have already lost me.

♛Potrets of Me

♛La GA


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No stealer here !

♛Archieve Man!


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Pure. Science.
Friday, 4 January 2013 | 12:09 am | 0COMMENTS

Holla, guys! Finally I dapat jugak kelas yang I nak sangat-II. Kelas sains tulen. WHY I really excited? First, additional subject for this class ada Biology. Second, I dapat lah capai cita-II I untuk jadi doktor. But, I belum decide lagi untuk jadi doktor bahagian apa. So, if you have any suggestion just leave a comment, ya! I perlu kan pandangan dari korang semua. I harap sangat-II yang I dapat terima setiap benda baru yang I akan belajar nanti. By the way, budak-II kat kelas tu bukan jenis yang bising lah. Senyap je. Mungkin sebab takut lupa apa yang cikgu ajar kot. But for me and my friends, kalau belajar dengan cara yang bising happy barulah best kalau belajar. Apa-II pun I kena sesuaikan diri dengan kelas tu >.<

S. C. H. O. O. L.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013 | 6:00 pm | 0COMMENTS
First day of school today. I actually just came back from school. Further thought going updates of new stories. About the school. Today I can't know yet in what class. Attend an orientation in the hall. Teacher gives some information about the flow to be taken by the students. Hopefully it can be in science stream. We also got new principle. I can also meet up with old friends. Miss them after almost 8 weeks is not meet. Each has changed. And some of them have to change schools. Very sad. Just wait continue this story tomorrow.

new year with mimi, ya and ... A?
Tuesday, 1 January 2013 | 9:27 pm | 0COMMENTS
Fara nak ucapkan tahun baru. Maybe ni dah lambat kot. Tapi pada Fara kita masih lagi boleh sambut. Bulan Januari pun tak lepas lagi kan. Fara sambaut kat mana? Hmmm, Fara sambut di bandar JB dengan kawan-II Fara. Just four of us. Siapa? Mimi, Ya and A. Tak payah tanya lah ya, A tu siapa. Post yang ni Fara tak nak cerita panjang-II lah ye. Sebab sekarang ni tengah sibuk prepare untuk sekolah. Okeylah. Bye-II